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An woman with Astigmatism reading a newspaper at arms length

Understanding Astigmatism

When it comes to understanding astigmatism, many people have heard of it, but don’t actually know what it is. If someone tried to explain astigmatism and it sounded Greek to you, that’s because it is. Well, sort of. To be clear, the word astigmatism has its origin in Greek and means “without stigma.” But it also might sound Greek to

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Couple showing the benefits of quality eyewear

Benefits of Quality Eyewear

What are the real benefits when it comes to purchasing quality eyewear? Whether you’re shopping for corrective lenses or you’re just looking for a new pair of shades, it can be tough to know what to look for and how much is too much to spend. There are tangible benefits to investing in the tool that helps you see the

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An active older couple walking outdoors knowing the common eye conditions

Common Eye Conditions

From floaters and 20/20 vision, to near or farsighted, when it comes to your eyes, you need to be aware of what are common eye conditions and when you should seek medical advice. When it comes to keeping your eyes healthy, understanding the different conditions that can impair your vision is a step in the right direction. After all, some

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Couple riding bikes and understanding the age related vision problems

Age Related Vision Problems

Think you may be having age-related vision problems? You may have already experienced some noticeable changes in your vision. While age-related vision problems are very common, it can be disturbing and even life changing in some cases. Are there things you can do to prevent or prolong the onset of these types of vision issues? The answer is – it

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Older couple running. helping to get the tips for eye care in the winter

Eye Care Tips for Winter in Florida

Looking for eye care tips for Florida winters? It may surprise you to learn that caring for your eyes requires different routines as the seasons change. For example, in the winter, your eyes can feel the unfortunate effects of cooler, drier weather if you don’t protect them. If you think living in the sunshine state exempts you from taking special

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a woman in white on the beach

Overview on Blepharoplasty

For those of us unfamiliar with medical terminology, blepharoplasty probably sounds more like an ancient Egyptian mummification ritual than a surgical procedure that repairs drooping eyelids and eyebrows. Blepharoplasty, commonly referred to as an eye lift or eyelid surgery, is sometimes performed for cosmetic reasons. If our evaluation determines your vision is negatively affected due to excess loose skin around

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a woman getting an eye exam

Why Eye Exams Matter and How Often you Should Get Them

You have probably wondered why eye exams matter and how often you should get them. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it’s safe to say most people would tell you the absolute must-dos include eating a healthy diet, exercising and getting regular checkups. Surprisingly, many might not include regular eye exams in their overall plan for healthy living.

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Person smiling and how blue lights electronics and cause digital eye strain

Blue Light Electronics Causing Digital Eye Strain

Today’s all things digital, screen-obsessed world has a lot of people concerned the exposure that blue light electronics emit may cause digital eye strain. Considering some studies suggest 60% of people spend over six hours a day in front of a digital screen, they may be right to be concerned. Understanding blue light  What is blue light in terms of

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Doctor Stephens

Common Corneal Problems and Surgeries

What is the Cornea and What Does it Do? The eye is often described as the biological equivalent of a camera. One important part of this camera is the cornea. The cornea is the transparent front covering of the eye which provides protection to the eye’s delicate internal anatomy. It also allows the eye to focus by refracting light onto

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Couple cooking together and smiling about how nutrition affects vision

How Nutrition Affects Vision

It’s safe to say you don’t have to look far for reasons to maintain a healthy diet. After all, we all know poor eating habits can contribute to some of the most debilitating health issues there are. Conditions like heart disease, high-blood pressure, diabetes, and even some cancers. Nutrition also affects the very things we see the world with –

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