The retina is the light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye. The retina is made up of millions of photoreceptors, which are responsible for taking in light that comes in through the cornea and interpreting it into signals for the brain. These brain signals then travel through the optic nerve and to the brain, and that’s how you see! The retina is an extremely important part of your vision. It is also very difficult to regain vision lost to retinal disease.
Retina disorders can affect the way that you process visual information and lead to distorted or absent vision. Tyson Eye realizes how much one relies on their vision. Using the very latest methods, our physicians can diagnose and treat many vision threatening retinal disorders.
The retina is the nerve layer that lines the back of your eye. The retina’s function is to sense light and create impulses that are sent through the optic nerve and to the brain. Over the course of an individual’s lifetime, the vitreous inside of the eye shrinks. As it continues to shrink, a portion of retinal tissue may stay attached to the vitreous, leading to a retinal tear. If a tear forms in the retina, you may notice slight changes in your vision such as flashes or floaters. This condition requires routine check-ups with your eye-care professional. If left untreated, retinal tears can lead to severe damage to your vision.
A retinal detachment occurs when the retina’s layers separate. Any portion of the retina that is detached cannot send visual signals to the brain. If left untreated, retinal detachment can cause devastating damage to an individual’s vision. Retinal detachment is considered an ocular emergency that requires immediate medical attention.
Our Retina Specialist, Dr. Roman O. Pravak, MD, using all of his extensive training and education has put together helpful information so you can better understand the different conditions that can affect your retinas.
The retina is susceptible to many different disorders, unfortunately. Common retinal conditions include:
If you are looking for a retinal specialist in Southwest Florida, look no further than Tyson Eye.
Need help? Reach out to us today at 239-542-2020.
The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or the other qualified health care provider.