An active older couple walking outdoors knowing the common eye conditions

Common Eye Conditions

From floaters and 20/20 vision, to near or farsighted, when it comes to your eyes, you need to be aware of what are common eye conditions and when you should seek medical advice. When it comes to keeping your eyes healthy, understanding the different conditions that can impair your vision is a step in the right direction. After all, some vision issues are just the natural result of the aging process, while others may be indicative of a more serious eye disease or disorder. Considering over 3.3 million Americans over 40 years old are categorized as legally blind or – low vision, it’s important to know what to look for to protect your sight.

What are floaters in the eye?

If you’ve never experienced spots in your vision, you may not be familiar with the term floaters as it relates to your eyes. Floaters appear as blue or grey specks in your eyes and were dubbed floaters for their tendency to drift around in the eye when you try to look at them. Floaters are often more noticeable when you are looking at something with a bright background and are typically the result of microscopic fibers in the vitreous of your eyes clumping together and casting shadows on your retina. Most of the time, floaters occur due to age related changes in the eye. If you suddenly experience more floaters than usual, flashes of light, or issues with your peripheral vision, you should see an eye doctor immediately as these can be symptoms of a more serious issue.

20/20 Vision vs 20/?

20/20 vision is the term for what is considered normal vision. To be specific, 20/20 vision references the measurement of visual acuity from 20 feet away. If your vision is 20/20, it means you can see clearly from 20 feet away. As opposed to 20/50 vision, where you’d have to be as close as 20 feet to see what someone else could see clearly from 50 feet away.  However, the term 20/20 vision can be misleading because it isn’t an indicator of “perfect” vision. It is just how sharp your vision is at a distance. You’ve probably heard the terms near-sighted and far-sighted in reference to vision. You can have 20/20 vision but still be unable to see objects clearly close up.

What does it mean to be near-sighted or far-sighted?

The terms can be easily confused but near-sightedness, or myopia, is an inability to see clearly from far away. Far-sightedness, or hyperopia, is an inability to see clearly close up. Presbyopia is the loss of the eye’s ability to focus. All three conditions can be inherent or can occur as part of the natural aging process. Depending on what the root cause is, you may be able to treat the conditions or wear corrective lenses.

The most important thing to know about any eye condition, is that prevention starts with early diagnosis and treatment. That means getting regular eye exams and paying attention to any new or worsening symptoms that may occur with your vision. If you’re experiencing vision issues, contact the caring professionals at Tyson Eye. Our team of vision experts is dedicated to protecting the way you see the world. Contact us here or call us at 239-542-2020 to schedule your eye exam today.

