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Things That Cause a Higher Risk of Glaucoma

When it comes to your vision, the age-old expression an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, should be words to live by. After all, according to a study done by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, when it comes to ranking the diseases Americans fear the most, losing your sight was right up there in

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Couple jogging together because it shows how diabetes and retina are common issues

Diabetes and Retina Issues

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 1.25 million Americans have Type 1 diabetes. As if that figure isn’t daunting enough, 1.5 million new cases are diagnosed every year. One of the more debilitating effects of diabetes is vision loss. In fact, it’s the leading cause of blindness among working age adults. To understand how to prevent retina issues from

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Two adults reading to two children after saying goodbye to glasses after cataract surgery with UV adjustable IOLs

Say Goodbye to Glasses after Cataract Surgery with UV Adjustable IOLs

For some patients, cataract surgery doesn’t mean ditching your glasses after the procedure. But the FDA’s approval of the innovative UV Adjustable IOL (intraocular lens), could potentially increase the number of people who are able to go “spectacle-free” after cataract surgery. So, what is a UV Adjustable IOL? Let’s start with the basics. IOL (intraocular lens) Because the aging process

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Avoiding Deaths by a Thousand Cuts

With so many changes to reimbursements, we must rethink our business models. Many of us have heard the saying “death by a thousand cut.” For at least two decades, opthamology practices have been living it. The latest CMS fee schedule results in 3% overall cut for ophthalmology and a 20% discount on all diagnostic tests after the first on a

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Respect the Courtesy of a Two-Week Notice

How often have you come to work to find a letter of resignation on your desk? The initial feeling of loss turns to disappointment and hurt when you realize the employee is not providing two weeks notice. This lack of professionalism is becoming more common in the workplace, sometimes even encouraged by the employers. It may be years before employers

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Better Near Visual Acuity With an Aspheric Multifocal IOL

Recently, colleagues and I conducted a study designed to compare the visual outcomes of patients implanted bilaterally with the TECNIS Multifocal IOL (Abbott Medical Optics Inc., Santa Ana, CA) and the CRYSTALENS AO Aberrationfree Accommodating IOL (Bausch + Lomb, Rochester, NY) after cataract surgery. This article reports on the 6- month data of 40 enrolled subjects in this prospective, nonrandomized

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Preparing for the Tax Break

The other evening I had the pleasure of hearing another speech from President Obama on how he wished to jump-start the economy. He made references to lowering the payroll taxes for a year, apparently as a quick way of getting money directly back into the hands of workers and letting them decide how they were going to spend it. This

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Look Before You Leap Into ASC Ownership

Many ophthalmologists at one time or another have considered building or buying into an ASC. The conventional wisdom is that an ASC is a very lucrative profit source. While this may have been true back in the 1980s, in today’s economy, buyers should beware. ASCs can still be a good revenue source for the operating ophthalmologist, but it is crucial

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Is it just my paranoid delusions or is it true that mindless drones are slowly infiltrating ophthalmology? The slow and insidious changes remind me of the science fiction classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The movie’s plot centers around a town’s population slowly being replaced by clones devoid of emotions, with the hero realizing almost too late. Is the ophthalmology

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