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an eye exam chart to show what you could expect during one

What to Expect During Your Eye Exam

If you’ve never had an eye exam before or it’s been a long time since your last one, you may wonder what to expect. Relax! Eye exams are usually relatively quick, painless, and can make a huge difference in your quality of life and overall health.  Regular eye exams can detect issues like glaucoma or macular degeneration early and treat

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someone looking through an eye exam machine to show what the refraction test is and why it is needed

What is a Refraction Test and Why is it Needed?

Most people are already familiar with a refraction test, which is given as part of a comprehensive eye health examination. The refraction test assists in determining how well your eyes are functioning and if there is a need for vision correction. The test helps your eye care professional determine what prescription lens is needed to help you achieve optimal vision.

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Two people looking at a phone smiling and understanding why you should change your perscription glasses

How Often Should You Change Your Prescription Glasses?

There’s no hard and fast rule of how often you need to replace your prescription glasses, although most optometrists recommend you do so every one to three years. If your vision hasn’t changed and your glasses are in good condition, you may be able to keep the same pair for a long time. Still, there are a number of factors

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tyson giving an eye exam

Why Annual Eye Exams are Important for Diabetics

If you have diabetes, it’s important that you regularly see an eye doctor. Diabetes is the leading cause of vision impairment among working age adults in the US, and diabetics have 25 times the risk for vision loss than people without the disease. How can diabetes harm your vision? Diabetes is a serious medical condition where your body can’t produce

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a woman getting an eye exam

Why Eye Exams Matter and How Often you Should Get Them

You have probably wondered why eye exams matter and how often you should get them. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it’s safe to say most people would tell you the absolute must-dos include eating a healthy diet, exercising and getting regular checkups. Surprisingly, many might not include regular eye exams in their overall plan for healthy living.

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