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Firework Eye Safety Tips

As we look forward to our fun Independence Day celebrations – picnics, cookouts, sparklers and fireworks, it’s important to keep eye safety in mind. If used incorrectly, fireworks can cause serious eye injuries and, in some cases, permanent eye damage and vision loss. Don’t let an accident with fireworks ruin your fun on the Fourth! To protect your vision, read on for some helpful advice.

The number one way to protect yourself and your loved ones from a fireworks-related eye injury is to attend professional fireworks shows, stay at least 500 feet away from the launch area, and avoid buying fireworks for home use. Even sparklers burn at over 2,000 degrees and can be very dangerous in the hands of small children.

If you choose to use consumer fireworks in states where they are legal, prevent accidents by following these safety tips:

  • Whoever is lighting the fireworks should wear protective safety goggles and earplugs to protect their eyes and ears.
  • Don’t allow any young children to play with fireworks.
  • Only allow older children to use fireworks under close adult supervision.
  • Set off fireworks in a clear area away from houses, trees, dry leaves or other flammable materials.
  • Be sure people are out of range before lighting any fireworks.
  • Keep a bucket of water handy to place “duds,” fireworks that fail to ignite or explode. Never try to re-light a dud.
  • Never light fireworks in a container, especially a glass or metal container.
  • Keep unused fireworks away from the lighting area, and store in a cool dry place. Don’t carry fireworks in your pocket.
  • Position your body away from the firework you are lighting. Never have your face or any part of your body directly over the firework.
  • Never use homemade fireworks.

If you or someone in your family sustains an eye injury from a firework, you should seek medical help immediately. Do not rub, rinse or put any pressure on the injured eye. If there is an object stuck in the eye, do not try to remove it. Do not apply any ointments or take any blood thinning pain medications like aspirin unless instructed by a doctor.

At Tyson Eye, one of the premier eye care centers in Southwest Florida, we care about your eyes. Our surgeons and doctors have helped thousands of people with their vision and have consistently introduced break-through technology to the area, and we can help you protect your eyes from a wide range of conditions and disorders. Tyson Eye is committed to excellence by delivering modern technology with old fashioned concern. Stay safe out there this holiday and enjoy the Fourth!

If you are having vision problems or are concerned about your eyes, we can help. Schedule an appointment with us today or call 239-542-2020.

