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How to recognize and treat dry eye. Woman using eye drops for dry eyes.

How to Recognize and Treat Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, leading to discomfort and vision problems. Understanding how to recognize and treat dry eye is crucial for maintaining your eye health and ensuring long-term comfort. In this blog, we’ll explore the symptoms, causes, and most effective treatments for dry eye to help you manage this condition and protect

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How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam

How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam?

Getting a regular eye exam is as important to your health as getting your annual physical or seeing the dentist, but some people only get their eyes examined when they are experiencing vision problems. Many eye diseases, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, may not have any symptoms until you start experiencing vision loss. If these conditions are caught early

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women with dry eye and what is dry eye and how is it treated graphic

What is Dry Eye Syndrome and How is it Treated?

Dry Eye Syndrome is very common; in fact, approximately 16.4 million Americans have been diagnosed with dry eye. This condition is characterized by a chronic lack of lubrication and moisture on the eye’s surface, which is needed to keep your eyes healthy, comfortable, and seeing well. Without that critical layer of moisture, eyes can become irritated and cause symptoms such

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a person reading a newspaper navigating life through dry eye

Navigating Life with Dry Eye

Living with chronic dry eye can really have a negative impact on things most of us take for granted like reading a book, watching TV, working on a computer, or driving a car. Dry eye symptoms caused by the eyes not producing or retaining tears properly can be debilitating for some people, causing redness, burning, itching, blurry vision, excessive tearing

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person suffering from dry eye understanding the ways to get rid of dry eye

Ways to Get Dry Eye Relief

Do you suffer from dry eyes? You aren’t alone. In fact, according to a recent study, approximately 16.4 million Americans have been diagnosed with Dry Eye Disease/Syndrome. Dry eye is characterized by a chronic imbalance of lubrication or moisture on the eye’s surface, which is needed to keep your eyes healthy, comfortable, and seeing well. Without that critical layer of

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