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Grandparents and grandchild carving a pumpkin, understanding eye safety tips for halloween

Eye Safety Tips for Halloween

Whether you’re helping your children or grandchildren prepare for a fun and festive night of trick-or-treating, or if you’re getting ready for your own ghoulish party, there are few things you should consider to protect your eyes.  Here are some tips to keeping your eye safe during your Halloween celebration.

Don’t wear anything that blocks your vision

Be sure that masks, costumes, wigs or hats don’t obstruct your field of vision. Avoid wearing sunglasses at night (even if they look cool and enhance your costume). It’s especially important to be able to see clearly in all directions, or you can easily trip and fall or not see oncoming traffic.

See and be seen

Use flashlights so you can see where you are stepping in the dark to avoid tripping hazards. Flashlights will also help drivers see you. Additionally, consider adding reflective tape to costumes or carrying a glow stick or wearing a glowing necklace to make you more visible at night.

Be careful with makeup or face paint

If you choose to enhance your costume with makeup or face paint instead of masks, be sure to buy products that are hypoallergenic and FDA-approved. Some Halloween makeup may contain toxins or irritants that can cause a reaction with the skin or eyes. Try to avoid the eye area when applying these products and bring along makeup remover wipes or a damp washcloth to remove the makeup if you experience a reaction.

Do not use decorative contact lenses

You’ve probably seen those scary contact lenses in Halloween stores that make your irises look black, red or white. Avoid using a contact lens that has not been prescribed by an eye doctor. It’s illegal to sell contact lenses in unlicensed outlets like costume shops or party stores. Wearing plastic lenses can lead to serious eye disorders, infections and could even cause permanent vision loss.

Avoid pointy props

Magic wands, swords, or some other accessories you choose to complete your look, may have pointy ends, and may cause serious eye injuries if not handled properly.  Use props that are age-appropriate and aren’t pointy or sharp to avoid any unwanted injuries to others, yourself and your eyes.

Tyson Eye wishes you and your family a happy, safe and spooky Halloween!

Tyson Eye is regarded as one of the premier eye care centers in Southwest Florida. Our surgeons and doctors have helped thousands of Floridians enjoy better vision and have consistently introduced break-through technology to the area. We are committed to excellence by delivering modern technology with old fashioned concern.

If you are experiencing vision problems, just need a regular eye exam, or have any concerns about your sight, we’re here for you. Call us at 239-542-2020 or request an appointment today!

